Appreciation for ‘dedicated efforts of our administrators’


II want to share my appreciation for the efforts being made by the school department to find savings where they can while still meeting the needs of our students.

At the first school budget workshop on January 23, each school department shared ways it was decreasing expenses and using those savings to fund other pressing needs, such as purchasing new math curriculum books and replacing broken whiteboards and corkboards. I was also surprised to hear how many grants contribute to funding our school needs, like the new school bus that will be reimbursed by the state in the future.

Particularly impressive is the practical approach of our technology department. Instead of replacing all outdated tablets and laptops at once, they replace them one grade at a time as leases are paid off. This means there aren't large swings in costs but also that our students have access to the latest technology without any lagging or outdated equipment.

Anyone in the community with an interest in learning more about where our tax dollars go should watch the presentation from January 23. It's fascinating to see the dedicated efforts of our administrators to ensure the top-notch performance of schools while balancing rising operating costs. It is clear they are keenly aware and sensitive to the fact that each budget item is a cost to taxpayers. It’s also good insight into the many open positions in town, particularly food service and custodian support.


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