What could have been for Cape


What a farce. What could have been for Cape. Fourteen months of work by the School Building Advisory Committee was thrown to the grinder by five of its members, as they voted “yes” for the “B” option drawn up by Harriman Architects. This option, one which offers no long-term solutions for our schools, no significant new infrastructure, no stability for our students and faculty, and which will cause serious disruptions to the learning process, was enthusiastically embraced by five committee members as the “compromise.” Never mind an overwhelming majority of surveys said a new middle school was wanted. Never mind the faculty of our schools have said the current state of our schools are insufficient. Never mind the 20-year cost of new

infrastructure is cheaper. Never mind parents want the best for their children. The five member majority decided disruption to athletic fields and indoor basketball courts was too much to bear.

I am genuinely saddened to see the governance of this community fail its citizens once again. A new middle school is desperately needed, but five members of the committee said no, repeatedly stating a 320 foot by 100 foot new cafeteria space was all we need to solve our problems. 32,000 square feet. That is what our children, our teachers and what Cape deserves. Not a new school with modern systems, modern safety, modern inner workings. 

A cafeteria. That is what 85 million dollars will get you.


In the news…


Recent vote ‘highlights a concerning disconnect’


Renovation is the most risky option