Recent vote ‘highlights a concerning disconnect’


The recent SBAC vote highlights a concerning disconnect between those who are making decisions for this town and what our residents actually want. Two school board members maintained a focus on the best interests of our schools, students, faculty, staff and a long-term facilities plan. The other seven members of the committee had a duty to represent our town as a whole, either as town councilors or as community members.

Five of those seven failed in that duty. In March, all five voted to spend town money on a survey to understand our community’s sentiment before their final vote. Then, they ignored the community. They saw our town in clear support of needed investments that cost over $100M, in support of a new school. They saw our town reject an expensive, disruptive renovation.

Those five individuals would not compromise. They voted against a plan to do the best we can for a price we can afford. In the end, those five voted to go down a path supported by only 17% of this town.

Cape will continue to suffer from that type of decision making until we have leaders who actually represent our values.


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School Board ‘must now reject’ Option B [renovation]


What could have been for Cape