School Board ‘must now reject’ Option B [renovation]


I was heartened by the overwhelming turnout of Cape citizens at the recent SBAC meeting, hundreds of people coming together to demand a sustainable, long-term solution for our schools and our town.

Committee members Sweet, Voltz, Bell and Cotter, thank you for your leadership. Your willingness to compromise, to work to the very end to get a plan that benefits the entire community is inspiring.

To the children who spoke at the meeting: the empathy and courage you showed in making your voices heard is a level of maturity that the majority of the SBAC could not muster. You are a credit to our town.

The school board must now reject fiscally irresponsible Option B. It is better to go another year without a plan than to do the wrong thing.

Finally, to the detractors. I am disappointed you allowed the voices of special interests to drown out the voices of your community – the people who were in the room, willing to compromise with you. I’m disappointed that you sabotaged our public schools and the long-term financial health of our citizens. But I know, in the end, you will lose. I think you know that too.

I chose to live in Cape Elizabeth, to raise my children in the same community that their grandparents live, the community I loved as a child. And I’m willing to fight like mad to fulfill the promise I made to my kids: that this town is worthy of them. Onward!


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